Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Train

No, this is not about the movie...its about my train journey from Mumbai to Mangalore, aboard the Matsyagandha Express. Chetan Bhagat mentions a sola aane sach baat in the prologue of his book , ' One night at a call centre'. Whenever, we guys travel by train, we expect to have a good feminine company. And since I was travelling alone, I was all the more eager to have such a company. When I got in, I just saw uncles sitting beside me engrossed in some conversation. I looked around again, farther this time and saw a chick sitting in a corner in the set of seats behind. There was no way I could strike up a conversation with her. I felt a bit disappointed, but nevertheless it was ok since i could kill time by joining the uncles conversation.
Since it was peak afternoon time, i went for a short nap. Little did it occur to me then, that there could be someone sleeping in the uppermost berth. A few minutes after I woke up, the angel alighted from the heavenly upper berth. She had this mature look which made her even more attractive. Soon after she bought some bhel and offered me some of it. I was shocked to say the least. She was not at all like the run of the mill babes, who look at every young man as their potential rapists. Maana zamaana kharab hai, but u shouldnt be over-sceptic. Coming back to the point, I realised I could start talking to her and was very happy. One of the uncles sitting just beside her started talking to her and they went on for hours and hours. I was a bit far away, I could neither join them nor steal her attention towards my charming self. I gave up. I knew it was only possible the next day. I got up early the next day. Waited for her to wake up as well. In the meanwhile the uncle had also woken up. I started chatting with him till she got up. Soon after she got up, Uncles station arrived and he got down. Now, it was just me and her. I knew nobody else would start talking to her this time. I was really nervous. To be frank, I've never casually chatted with a female stranger. The first few seconds were really interesting, we both started speaking at the same time and then one would say to the other, you carry on. It happened two or three times. I dont know why, but I quite enjoyed that. We spoke for quite some time till my station arrived and I bid her good bye. I really had a good time in this journey. The thought of acompanying her till Mangalore did cross my mind, but the heavy downpour made me decide otherwise and rightly so. I hope I'll continue to have such interesting journeys in the future as well.