Thursday, August 16, 2007

Lazy Indians...hmmm

Recently, on my way back home, I had this co-passenger who began a conversation with me. A self confessed "The Hindu" fan, he had tremendous knowledge of whatever is going on in the nation that would be of direct consequence to us. He spoke about many issues with terrific ease. But one thing that surprised me was this mans theory of we Indians being lazy, a genetic trait, he insisted. Here goes his justification : Ours being a tropical country, whatever u throw will grow. So people really dont have to strain their asses to live comfortably. On the contrary, in Europe and America, there is no food at all in winter.

After giving it some thought, I thought its pretty true. Not so much amongst the educated class perhaps. But I remember my mom telling me about daily wage labourers in our village. If you pay them well, they'll work only for 3 days a week, since thats enough for them to make end meet. Or by chance if they work for more than three days, the surplus earnings will be spent for booze.
Even otherwise, we are quite lazy, arent we?