Saturday, May 19, 2007

Mumbai Aamchich

Recently, as usual, there was a Marathi movie by this name that was stuck at the censor board office as it had portrayed that the immigrants to this city do not deserve the same treatment as the natives do.
Now, considering the influx into the city from all corners of India it is natural that the natives of this city would feel a bit concerned about preserving their very own culture. As a Mumbaikar myself, i really feel that the prominence of Marathi in this city is slowly fading away. Any person who does not know Marathi can enjoy his stay here as much as anybody knowing Marathi. Try going to the other Metro or so called Metro cities in India viz. Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore. If you really want to lead a comfortable life in any of these cities, you ought to know the regional language in that particular state. Simply put, say after spending ten years in Hyderabad, you wont be excused for not knowing Telugu. But, in Mumbai, people have stayed for generations without knowing to even greet others in Marathi. If you ask my personal opinion, Marathi in Mumbai is virtually non-existent. I myself admit that even after having spent 21 years here, i am not fluent in Marathi. For some unknown reason i feel that the non Maharashtrians do not want to be a part of the Maharashtrian culture. A Tamilian identifies his motherland as Tamil Nadu, for a Keralite it is Kerala. Most of them do not feel at all that they are inevitably partly Maharashtrian as well. This, i feel is very wrong. I confess that this was the case with me as well. But staying away from Mumbai for a year made me realise how wrong i was.
Taking drastic steps to protect the Marathi culture would do more harm than good.
All i want to convey is that, the non-Maharashtrians in Mumbai should relate to, protect and savour the Marathi culture as their very own.


Nithin Dev said...

Dude take out Bangalore from that list.. even if u dont to speak u can still lead a comfortable life here...

"Try going to the other Metro or so called Metro cities in India viz. Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore. If you really want to lead a comfortable life in any of these cities, you ought to know the regional language in that particular state."

Rachit said...

I agree u can live comfortably in B'lore even without knowing Kannada. But as long as that is the case, you are an outsider for the natives.

Hrishikesh said...

As a Maharashtrian myself, there are times when I feel ashamed of not taking the culture seriously. There are a few real gems, such as PuLa in his literary and drama form, or there is original science fiction by Dr. Jayant Naralikar, apart from many good albums and movies. Then there are the festivals, traditions and way of life.

Lost in cosmopoliticism, perhaps?

Hrishikesh said...

And just who are the natives of Mumbai, anyway? There were Portuguese, Parsis, Kolis too, apart from the Maharashtrians.

nilesh said...

its really pathetic,maharashtrians should protest against this sensor board because you see ,they were fine while giving permission to that pathetic movie "deshdroh"
then whats the problem with "mumbai aamchich"