Monday, July 16, 2007

Sivaji - I saw it finally

I had been eagerly waiting to check out this latest Rajni flick. Not at all a fan of Rajni, but I had faith in the director Shankar, since I have liked most of his previous films. This one too was quite worth the wait. Considering the excessive hype that surrounded the movie, one could be forgiven to have expected it to be the best film so far for both, Rajni and Shankar. But it isnt quite so. Having said that,considering the standards that Shankar has set in the past, exceeding those would have been absolutely phenomenal. The film starts with Rajni being jailed for laundering money worth Rs.40000cr, which he insists he did for the betterment of the people. Might sound too cliched but one has to see Shankars picturisation and narrative to believe it. Then the movie goes into a flashback....Rajni arrives back in India from the US after a long stint there. He has girls swooning over him as soon as he appears. They are amazed by his chewing gum trick....(quite funny, intentionally, i suppose). He wants to start an educational trust which would run a University. He asks Adiseshan(Suman), a real estate and education baron for assistance. He agrees, but insists on Sivaji dropping the idea of education and going for a 5 star hotel and residential complex instead. Sivaji tries his luck himself running around various offices seeking clearance. Initially reluctant to pay bribes, he finally has no option. Finally, he starts work on his project. But the irritated Adiseshan uses his political clout to stop Sivaji from going ahead. Trying to avoid troubles, he ends up paying Rs.50cr by pledging all his property to go ahead. with his project. But Adi doesnt stop here, he plays tricks again and finally Sivaji has to move the court. Our hero loses the case and is left bankrupt. In the meanwhile, the movie provides comic relief with Rajni chasing Shriya and trying to convince her to marry him. Adi gives Siva a one rupee coin taunting him and saying that begging is the only option left. There is a brilliant scene just before the interval, which creates the right amount of suspense just before u leave for popcorn.
The second half is what the movie is all Rajni and Shankar come into their own. It has a well crafted narrative, wherein Rajni tries to filter out all the black money in TN and manages to credit it to his charitable trust. Narrating the story over here would make it sound stupid. I read in ET today that the movie will be dubbed in Hindi soon. Its better if you check out the movie yourself. Vivek as Rajnis constant companion is superb. Suman has done a good job. Technically, the movie is flawless. Everything, art, cinematography, action and SFX are first rate.
One thing I noticed after watching this movie is that its not about a movie being good or bad. Its about how well it goes down with the target audience. This movie is an absolute treat for Rajni fans...the dialogues, the style wouldnt have had the same effect with any other actor. All in all, a must watch movie. Miss it at your own risk.

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